Jan van Cleve [Public domain], <a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Saint_Stanislaus_Kostka_Receiving_the_Holy_Communion_from_the_Hands_of_Angels_by_Jan_van_Cleve_Limburgs_Museum_G10391.jpg"  target="_blank">via Wikimedia Commons</a><br />
<b>Description : </b><br />
Saint Stanislaus Kostka Receiving the Holy Communion from the Hands of Angels - oil on canvas Painting by : Jan van Cleve  (between 1668 and 1669) <br />
On the right on a black-and-white tile floor, Stanislaus Kostka kneels dressed in dark robes, with a yellow-white scarf around his neck, arms crossed in front of her chest, and with half-long dark hair. At the back right, hidden behind a part of a just visible box bed, stands a man who takes off his hat. In the foreground on the right a closed and open book. On the left, an angel dressed in long white yellow robes gives the Holy Host to Stanislaus from a pateen. In the foreground on the left is an angel kneeling dressed in a red robe, in his hands he has a ciborus whose lid he lifts. Above left in a bundle of rays, Saint Barbara, dressed in white, a robe with a blue cloak, her attribute, the church tower, in her right arm.

St.Stanislaus Kostka Receiving the Holy Communion from the Hands of Angels

Jan van Cleve [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Description :

Saint Stanislaus Kostka Receiving the Holy Communion from the Hands of Angels - oil on canvas Painting by : Jan van Cleve (between 1668 and 1669)

On the right on a black-and-white tile floor, Stanislaus Kostka kneels dressed in dark robes, with a yellow-white scarf around his neck, arms crossed in front of her chest, and with half-long dark hair. At the back right, hidden behind a part of a just visible box bed, stands a man who takes off his hat. In the foreground on the right a closed and open book. On the left, an angel dressed in long white yellow robes gives the Holy Host to Stanislaus from a pateen. In the foreground on the left is an angel kneeling dressed in a red robe, in his hands he has a ciborus whose lid he lifts. Above left in a bundle of rays, Saint Barbara, dressed in white, a robe with a blue cloak, her attribute, the church tower, in her right arm.

Added to Stanislaus Kostka and categorized in 5 years ago

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